Nov 12, 2022Liked by Hookland

Beautiful writing as always David, Hookland lives in us all <3

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Hookland

Reading issue two is like an evening in a good pub with old friends. Inspirational and heartwarming but with enough talk of the dark and the eerie to quicken my pace on the walk home. Thank you Mr Southwell.

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Thank you Bob. Mine is a pint of Lazarus or if it is off, a pint of porter.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Hookland

The Hairy Hob sounds a lot like the Pukwudgie of New England. Some towns in Massachusetts have placed “Pukwudgie Crossing” signs at road stops. It’s fascinating what beliefs were clearly brought here, and what they eventually morphed into after several generations of mixology with indigenous beliefs. Pukwudgie is actually a Wampanoag word. Thanks for another round of great storytelling!

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As further bestiary entries may show, the Pukwudgie is possibly closer to the puncles of the county than the hobs. I'd certainly trust a hob above a Pukwodgie. I do like some of the tales of those emigrating to North America from Ireland, Scotland and England being surprised that various hobs and kin had stowed away with them.

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Thank you David - loved it 🖤

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Can’t wait to sit down and read this! Yay!

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I hope you enjoyed it Augusta.

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I have that book of folktales! In the teetering pile of books next to my dresser. You are an excellent book enabler, David. :)

I am getting caught up with my backlog of emails, and am skiving off work right now to sojourn in Hookland. So restful.

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I do like being called a book enabler.

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If there is a Hookland County, is there then a Hookland County Council? Formica, chipped. Lots and lots of forms, in triplicate carbon copy: white, blue, pink. Strip lights, humming, flickering. Disposable, granulated coffee in disposable brown and crinkling plastic ridged cups. A lethargic and irrevocable slowness.A knowing and an unsaid. Sedimentary power layers, divided by department, pay grade, class and gender. A crushing weight and aimlessness, aligned with the rules, ignorant of life.

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The is both a Hookland County Council, numerous borough councils and a legion of parish councils. There is also the Grand Council of Hookland who are allowed to tell me what to do.

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A legion of parish councils, what a terrifying prospect. I hope you have good relations with the Grand Council.

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The Grand Council are independent, wise heads who get to tell me what to do. I enjoy Grand Council Meetings – they are always held in a pub.

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Hookland is good company.

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Thank you Richard.

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Thank you for another great issue and the personal reflections behind it. The Chronicle mainlines one straight to the heart of Hookland and is a much appreciated connection. Long may it continue.

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Wonderful! The chant was delightful, the quotes marvellous and the personal insights moving. Great stuff, thank you, David.

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Thank you Leigh.

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I miss the sky with two moons. My soul yearns for it. My eyes, both green and gold, miss the forests of home. Do us lost Changelings ever get to go back?

Thank you Hookland, for being another home.

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Wherever it is, Hookland will always endeavour to be a home to fully-grown changelings.

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This is a wonderful read, I loved all of it, David. I found 'Notes from the wyrd lab' especially moving, thank you for sharing so much of your soul. And the book is on my wish list...

I think the format works really well, it feels like reading a Hookland paper.

And: Emily Banting!

Thank you xx

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Thank you Maria. I am trying to make it as much like a little zine to be read with tea as possible. As for Emily, she quite rightly, won't be quiet!

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Agree heartily ! I've missed Hookland since I gave up on Twitter. A wonderful read and thank you, David. Shall look forward to more of the same!

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So delighted to see you here Gill.

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So happy to be here!. Thank you for this!

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Another wonderful if sobering issue. Folklore and other tales of wonder bring solace at the worst of times. Thank you for putting this together. It is a balm during these unsettling times.

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Thank you Pat. This is a long season of bruises and I think we need all the solace we can get.

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Beautiful as always; full of truths that, when whispered in the ear, resonate in one’s soul until the frequencies of pure joy are reached and surpassed. Thank you David ❤️ ॐ

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A pleasure Ian, a pleasure.

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Such a beautiful and incredibly emotive read. Another wonderful issue *hugs* Thank you, David xxx

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Don't make me pah! you,

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You know I relish those xxx

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