First one in 14 years. And to be accurate, a current voice on Hookland.

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Kellerman and his TV work sounds fascinating. I wonder if his research logically led him to some place the gov’t didn’t like or he had some sources that gave him a few pointers.

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He was a journalist before anything else. Sources.

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Snubbed by West Virginians? Probably because that's the closest of the states to genuine Hookland status, America-style. 

I was traveling through West Virginia by ways of smaller state highways (rather than the interstate) thirty-five years ago, after I graduated from college, and had stopped in a highway-side five-and-dime store to pick up traveling supplies, and I got to hear a conversation between two twentysomething men. They were having great fun busting each other's balls and laughing about it, and about the fun they were going to have that night, and just as I was paying for what I'd bought one of the two men gleefully said the immortal line, "Shoot, Bubba, let's go kill something." 

I saw other things in West Virginia, and my car was attacked by several wild turkeys on some back road I was driving, and I had a poignant encounter with a waitress who was obviously desperate to get out of her company town--all of it enough to convince me that W. Virginia is a liminal state, lying halfway between modernity and some alt-history past in which the id of America was more nakedly displayed. 

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West Virginia is one of my favourites states. I have enjoyed I lot of searching the landscape for high strangeness there. If I had ever had the chutzpah to do an Phoenix Guide to Strange America, it would have featured an awful lot of my misrememberings of West Virginia. for exactly the reasons you suggest.

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Beautiful as always

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Oh my, a current voice from Hookland.

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